2017 (1st half)

Posted: June 29, 2017 in Directing

It’s been a while and thought it might be a good time to post something.

So since the last time I posted, back in 2014 quite a few things have happened.

My sister finally had a girl. Her name is Kira and is absolutely the cutest!! I directed a feature film called Mamaboy, which had a Hollywood red carpet premier, is currently on iTunes and several other VOD platforms. I recently helped shoot a feature called APParition, which was shot at the creepy Preston Castle in Ione. And I’ve been hired to direct another feature entitled Notorious Nick about a 1 armed MMA fighter who won a title fight. We’re currently in pre-production for this and we’re slated to go into production in October.

Tomorrow I get my camera back from RED, which has been upgraded from 6K to 8K.

I have a couple of small shorts that I’ll be shooting in the next couple of months so I’m really excited to see what this new sensor can do.

Hopefully I can post updates about Notorious Nick as we get closer. Maybe casting announcements. We’ll see.

The beginning of the year was exciting. A new camera was added to the arsenal along with support equipment, lenses, a full remote follow focus system, etc, etc. Along with the 5DmkIII, the Sony PMW-EX1s and EX3, the Sony PXW-X200s, from RED Digital Cinema Cameras comes the RED Dragon. Shooting 6K footage at a possible 100fps or in HDR mode, plus different lens mounts gives a lot of flexibility on any production.

I’ve taken it out a few times since I’ve had it but will do a full round of testing with the camera once all of the custom laser cut cases arrive. I’ll post some results when the time comes. Very exciting!!!

Everyone deserves a mulligan now and then. Well, I’ve taken a mulligan on the last project. It came out well, but plans are in motion to redo everything we just did. Pre-production is a big factor to me and in order to really plan out a project, any project for that matter, you need slightly longer than just 4 weeks. If not a few months. Sure some films are made given just 2 days or 10 days as in film festivals and film shootouts, but are they going to be the best? The best they could possibly be? Probably not.

Time is needed for a baby to grow into a full fledged adult and sometimes it never happens. But the baby must be nurtured. It must be fed the right amount of nutrients. It must rest now and then to recharge its energy. It must attend school to learn how to become a proper citizen. In school it must be taught subjects correctly . . .

Films are no different. The cast, the department heads, the crew, the funders . . . must all play a part in nurturing the project from nothing into a viable piece of art that we get to enjoy forever. And this takes time.

The time I’ve allotted myself is 1 year. 1 year from now I will reboot production on The Sky Divides Us. In the mean time, I will be working with Ke, the writer, to refine and mold the script. I will be working with the cast in order to refine and mold their characters and their relationships to each other. I will be recruiting an art director, to make sure our vision doesn’t skew. I will be working with my DP more closely on the shot list. Etc, etc, etc . . . stay tuned!! . . .

Nearly Completed . . .

Posted: May 17, 2011 in Uncategorized

Wow.  This took, what seemed like, forever!!  But the site is just about done.  All of the major projects have been added.  I can’t wait to get “The Sky Divides Us” done so I can add that as well.  I also have to update and upload my acting reel to vimeo so I can post that on here as well.  Well, back to work . . .

Welcome to my blog!  I will be updating past, present and future projects here for both 4th Wall Productions, my media production company, and Zeitgeist ArtWorks,  a narrative production company I co-founded.

I will also be posting projects to this site, as well as crew calls.

Thanks for stopping by!!